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Web editors / FTP clients

Supporto > > Prima dell'ordine / Informazioni

You can basically use any web editor and FTP client with Hoststar.

Here are a few examples of web editors you can purchase for Windows:
SIQUANDO Web / Adobe Muse / Adobe Dreamweaver / NetObjects Fusion / SIQUANDO Shop / TOWeb / Serif WebPlus.


Here are a few examples of free web editors for Windows:
BlueGriffon / Google Web Designer / OpenElement / Silex (web-based).


Here are a few examples of web editors you can purchase for Mac:
 Softpress Freeway / Macaw / TOWeb / MacRabbit Espresso.


Here are a few examples of free web editors for Mac:
BlueGriffon / Google Web Designer / Silex (web-based).


Here are a few examples of FTP clients for Windows and some for Mac:
Cyberduck / FileZilla / WinSCP / FTP Commander / WS-FTP LE.

Here you can download the FTP clients listed above.

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